Harris County Northwest TX

NW Harris County, Katy, Tomball, Cypress, Spring, Waller - Coordinator of the Year 2022

Toys for Tots Coordinator
Garrett Nemec

The Local Impact

Harris County Northwest Toys for Tots during 2023

Toys Distributed
Children Supported

 ***Donate toys directly from Amazon and shipped to our location.***
Our list can be found at:

      Thank you to the businesses, organizations, friends, family, neighbors, acquaintances, friends of friends, community members, Marines, veterans, volunteers, donors, assistance offices and everyone who helped make a difference in the lives of others with no regard or thought to personal gain. Thank you for all your contributions of time, talent and monetary donations. Thank you for driving truck to deliver boxes and then for picking up toys, sorting toys, lifting toys, and all other toy related work. Thank you for making a big job in a short amount of time seem easy and fun. Thank you for your support, kindness, and generosity toward us and thank you for joining Toys for Tots and journeying together, working as a community . . . a village. Because of your efforts and willing spirit, thousands of children woke up Christmas morning knowing that someone cares, that there is hope out there for a better life, and thousands of parents will have a little more dignity having been able to give their children Christmas and perhaps we will all greet the day with a little more faith in our fellow man. Wishing everyone the very best holiday and new year. Love and best wishes to all from Marine Toys for Tots. Looking forward to seeing everyone again in 2024.
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